With many individuals and businesses experiencing various degrees of loss due to the recent hurricane, from minor interruptions to total devastation, the IRS and New Jersey Division of Taxation are providing relief in the form of filing deadlines. For example, the IRS has postponed many filing and payment deadlines until February 1, 2013. More details of these filings are available on the IRS website (see below). Further, Governor Christie approved relief for tax filing deadlines for businesses still reeling from the impact of the storm. Specifically, any tax filings due on October 30, 2012 and October 31, 2013 are now due on November 14, 2012. The relief applies to all New Jersey counties. The following links may be of assistance to you:
- http://www.irs.gov/uac/Newsroom/IRS-Provides-Tax-Relief-to-Victims-of-Hurricane-Sandy;-Return-Filing-and-Tax-Payment-Deadline-Extended-to-Feb.-1,-2013
- http://www.njscpa.org/news/topics/sandy/article/2012/11/01/governor-christie-extends-tax-deadline-for-businesses-disrupted-by-storm
- http://lwd.dol.state.nj.us/labor/ui/aftrfile/dua.html
- http://www.tax.ny.gov/
Please also remember that many companies are willing to provide credits for loss of service during the storm. However, many of those companies are requiring that you call and ask for such a credit. Please remember to call your utility company as well as your cable/internet provider to see if you can receive such a credit.
We are hopeful that our clients and their families are safe after this monumental storm. However, we are well aware that there are many individuals/businesses that are suffering insurmountable losses and who may be left thinking how they can recover after such a devastating loss to their homes and/or businesses. A good starting point is insurance policies which should be reviewed for coverage assistance (including business interruption coverage, if applicable), as well as any leases, contracts and other documents which may provide guidance in a situation like this. If you did not have this type of coverage before the storm, we need to be sure that you have it now. We are here to assist you with any of your needs. Do not hesitate to call any of our attorneys to help guide you through any needs after the storm.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions on Hurricane Sandy relief or otherwise.