Katie Razin weighs in on the impact of dwindling print publications in an article by roi-nj.com
With the termination of daily print publications for the state’s largest newspaper, The Star Ledger, there’s going to be a potentially overlooked ripple effect for real estate developers, according to one of the industry’s legal experts.
That’s due to the fact that as print publications dwindle, there’s less options for keeping the public apprised of the development and zoning process. Doing so isn’t just a kind gesture, either – it’s legally required.
So, when the publisher of The Star-Ledger announced on Oct. 30 that the print publication of the state’s largest newspaper would be discontinued after a nearly 200-year run, Kathryn Razin took it as more than a sign of the times in the media business.
“I think this has raised discussions on that statutory requirement, and whether we should be allowing a newspaper’s website to satisfy these requirements in lieu of a print publication,” she said. “From an applicant’s standpoint, this has been a long-standing requirement and could be seen as antiquated and in need of an update, alongside other statutory requirements.”